一个健身房运动衫有一个宽敞的胸部逐渐变腰,以适应一个健美运动员。锻炼的顶端有弹性的下部边缘,领口和袖口。健美运动衫面料是90/10棉/涤纶混纺。健身房运动衫船同一天。 P>
健身房运动衫从软90/10棉/涤纶面料制成。这健美顶部有弹性的袖子,领子,底部为一个不错的选择。胸部和手臂的区域被切断有足够的空间。在宝力豪健身运动衫有弯曲栏图标。 2XL + $ 5
世界健身房运动衫拥有一个宽敞的上胸部区域和一个锥形主体下部。脖子,袖口,和健美运动衫的底部边缘是有弹性的舒适。大猩猩的图标被屏蔽在健身房运动衫。 2XL + $ 5
A premium gym hoodie with the World Gym logo. This is a special mineral wash dye Hoodie that is modern and stylish, slim fit of very good quality. 100% Cotton.
its authentic look and feel through special dye and mineral wash processes, which create unique and natural variances in texture, distress, and shade. These are intentional and are NOT considered defective. Please take care as the colors may transfer. Wash separately. Avoid contact with pale fabric & surfaces.
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